Rachel Gibson
Clinical Psychotherapist
Rachel Gibson
Clinical Psychotherapist
Since the completion of my Clinical Masters Degree with UCD Mater school of Medicine in 2008. I have been working as a Clinical Psychotherapist in a number of specialist mental health clinics treating Depression, Anxiety, relationship issues, Eating Disorders & general mental health disorders .
I also possess a Degree in psychology and have extensive training in CBT and CBT -E with a particular interest in Eating Disorders.
My qualifications, experience and training enable me to treat individuals, couples and families across a wide range of Mental Health disorders.
"As a Clinical Psychotherapist, I work with people in the context of their lives and what makes sense to them, prioritising what is most important at that time"
Rachel Gibson
Please contact Rachel @ (086) 8513263or the clinic @ (086) 8055013 to arrange an appointment.
Eimear Maguire
Clinical Psychotherapist, CBT, CBT-E
DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapist)
RO-DBT (Radical Open DBT)
Clinical Psychotherapy Supervisor and Cross Professional Supervisor.
Member of IACP.
( Works with Adults and Young Adults 16 years old.)
Eimear is an accredited Psychotherapist with Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP); she holds a First Class honours Degree from Middlesex University.
Eimear has additional qualifications on CBT, CBT –E, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), RO- DBT (Radical Open, DBT for Emotional over Control) Motivational Interviewing; Compassion focused therapy, Clinical Structured Management (SCM( (Emotional Regulation Therapy)) and Mindfulness.
Therapy is delivered availing of an integrative perceptive, which is client focused.
She is also a qualified General Nurse and Midwife, with a Diploma in Psychology.
Eimear worked as a Clinical Midwifery Manager in the Coombe Women’s and Infants University Hospital until 2007. Since then, she has worked as a Mental Health Practitioner on a number of specialized Mental Health Teams and organisations.
Eimear works ​with adults and young people from 16 years upwards with a range of issues from depression, Anxiety, Emotional Dsyregulation, Emotional Over -regulation, Perfectionism, Self-Harm, Suicide, trauma, Grief, Eating disorders, OCD, Self Esteem issues, and general mental health issues.
“As a psychotherapist, I address mental health issues form the perceptive of emotional regulation, emotional processing, while focusing on core psychopathologies, societal and Family influences ".
Eimear believes that emotional/mental health issues and life interfering behaviours are as result of emotional distress and/or poor emotional processing.
A non-judgemental and compassionate environment is fundamental in supporting a person in their journey, along with therapies which are effective, competent and evidence based.
Eimear has extensive training and experience in emotional Dsyregulation, Emotional Over- Regulation, Eating Disorders and self-esteem issues.
Eimear is also a qualified and accredited Supervisor. She supervises both student and qualified Psychotherapists. She also supervises clients from a cross professional perceptive, which aims to support staff in their working environment.
Supervision is reflexive and transformative.
Contact the clinic or Eimear at epdonnelly2@yahoo.ie or 086 3301390 ​